On this page, you can find a list of some of the interesting works I have been a part of. These works are available publicly through my GitHub profile. If some work catches your eye, feel free to check it out in details.
List of Projects
Single Image FedLearning
Novel algorithm to perform federated learning using a single shared image with the help of knowledge distillation. Official paper published in CVPR'24 Workshop proceedings.
ProjectRL - HydroElectric Dam
On a hydroelectric dam simulation designed as a gym environment, we train RL agents to act as the controller to generate profits over a span of 2 years. We have made use of DDQN RL training alongside its comparison with classical tabular Q-learning. Analysis of the performance as well as the data has also been done in notebooks.
The application is based on a custom ontology constructed through NCBI taxonomy using observations extracted from the iNaturalist database. Using streamlit as the GUI frontend, this app serves the user with the geographical data of primate observations in the last few years, alongside interesting trends in it.
An Android Application used for identification of a different number of plants and flowers using the phone's camera and displaying information from the web. It is based on the TensorFlow Lite framework used for image classification in the backend. Data training has been done on computer using the python variant of the same framework and images scraped over the internet.
A Kivy GUI framework based cross platform application which uses Tensorflow as the backend for neutral network based classification. The data training is done using the MNIST dataset and the application uses OpenCV to preprocess images taken through the camera and local files.
LibMan PHP
An Enterprise Resource Planning package, running on the PHP backend based web server using MySQL database stored over the network. The complete application suite performs various functions of the college library inventory processing, supports credential based login features and similar functionalities. This project uses the combination of Full Stack Web Development languages such as PHP, JavaScript, SQL, CSS and HTML.
A custom language interpreter to be used as an educational drawing and programming tool for children. The complete application has been designed using the legacy "conio.h" in C++ environment, compiled using Borland's TurboC++ compiler. It supports a large variety of editing functions as well as options for saving and loading data from disk.
An interactive web portfolio designed using NextJS (React) with Mantine UI and tailwind-css.